Olanzapine has “broad spectrum” activity for treating nausea.
Recent studies confirm olanzapine’s effectiveness for difficult-to-treat nausea in cancer patients whether or not the nausea is related to chemotherapy. Olanzapine acts through multiple receptors, and we find it useful for the multifactorial nausea common in many advanced diseases.
• Once daily dosing of 5 mg was enough to get excellent relief within 24 hours
• Available ODT or tablet form
• Less sedating than many other antiemetics
For more information, contact Dr. Leslie Estep, Dr. Anita Meyer, or Dr. Erika Pope at Hospice of the Northwest, 360-814-5550, or lestep@hospicenw.org, ameyer@hospicenw.org, or epope2@hospicenw.org.
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